Pankkipalvelut ja digiaika


PtoP ja vastaavat rahoitusalustat ja Growdfunding ovat tulleet saatavilla niin kotimaassa kuin kansainvälisestikin. Mistä on kyse, ja millaisia vaihtoehtoja on tarjolla?

Joukkorahoitus kuvaa tapaa tehdä yhteistyötä ja saada huomiota henkilöiden tai organisaatioiden hankkeille, joiden rahoittaminen tapahtuu keskenään verkostoituvien ihmisten avulla, yleensä internetin välityksellä.

Lainapohjainen tai lainamuotoinen joukkorahoitus on yritysrahoituksen muoto, jossa yritys hakee tarvitsemansa rahoituksen hankkeelleen markkinaehtoisesti pieninä yksittäissummina suoraan sijoittajilta ilman perinteistä pankkisektoria välikätenä. Vaikka joukkorahoitus on vanha rahoitusvaihtoehto suurille yrityksille, jotka ovat jo pitkään keränneet markkinaehtoista velkarahoitusta joukkovelkakirjalainamarkkinoilta, vasta digitalisaation kehityksen myötä nykyään myös pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset voivat joukkorahoittaa projektinsa markkinaehtoisesti internetissä.

Axia funder

AxiaFunder is an innovative litigation funding platform which connects investors with carefully pre-vetted commercial litigation opportunities. AxiaFunder invests in legal cases where there is a high probability of winning at court with potential returns of 20%-30% pa. 


Income is a financial technology company that provides a next-generation global marketplace for investing in cash flow producing assets, such as consumer and business loans.


VIAINVEST is a peer-to-peer lending platform offering private lenders/individuals and legal entities an opportunity to invest into short-term consumer loans originated across Europe. VIAINVEST provides investors an access to non-bank lending sector by creating a safe and transparent investment environment where investors are able to earn up to 11% p.a. on their capital. To maximize the investing experience VIAINVEST has developed several important features, such as a Buyback Guarantee and auto-invest option to make the investment process reliable, simple and seamless.


PeerBerry is a peer-to-peer marketplace offering an opportunity to invest in issued non-banking lenders loans from across Europe. The portfolio of loans on offer primarily consists of consumer loans originated by Aventus Group and its subsidiary companies. Profitable from its first year of operation in Lithuania (2009), Aventus Group has become an innovative and successful lender, holding strong positions in the Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland, Georgia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. PeerBerry utilizes the most modern online tools and solutions to provide a trustworthy, simple and fast service. We believe that our continuous investment in IT solutions and infrastructure both supports our growth and ensures that we reach our goal – meeting the needs and satisfying the expectations of our investors!


Debitum is an alternative peer-to-business (P2B) investment platform. It‘s a network that connects final borrowers, loan originators and investors.


Monestro is a P2P investment platform that provides higher-quality, more secure and lower-risk investment opportunities into high-scoring consumer loans.

Instead of promising high yield returns, at Monestro, we are focussed on providing our investors with more stable and predictable options. Thus giving investors the possibilities to choose and adjust their investment plans and have all the tools present to forecast possible outcomes.